What is fascia and what is its function in Yin yoga?

One of the phenomena of our fascinating existence is the fact that we can move ourselves, mostly unconsciously, through space.

Our body is a compromise between mobility and stability. We are not as stable as a house; however, nor are we as mobile as the wind.

In order to create integrity and mobility in the body, our “creator” came up with something rather special.

Fascial tensegrity explained

Fascial tensegrity is the fascial tension network which keeps the integrity of our body. Fascia or connective tissues are tissues which consist, generally, of collagen fibres.

The fascial network consists of “three layers”:

  • Superficial fascia is the subcutaneous tissue, which consists mainly of elastic connective tissue.
  • Deep fascia are tendons, articular capsules, ligaments, bone and cartilage tissue sheaths, sheaths of blood vessels and nerve pathways. They are significantly less elastic in consistency than the superficial fascia.
  • Visceral fascia are suspensions and sheaths of organs such as the brain, the heart, the kidneys, etc. The consistency of visceral fascial tissue must remain stiff in order to hold the organs in place.  Each organ sheath consists of two layers.

The fascial network extends throughout the body like a three-dimensional spider’s web based on the Tensegrity model, whereby EVERYTHING in the body is connected, down to the smallest cells. And with a 37,2 trillion cells in the body, that is one very big network!

Thus the fascial network forms the matrix, the structure, the form and the tension in the body. It holds everything together and ensures that it stays that way. Our bones, organs and muscles are merely “suspended” in this tension network.

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